Joseph Magnus - A New Beast from Nasa Liquors

December 8, 2017

Joseph Magnus - A New Beast from Nasa Liquors

A relatively new beast on the block is Joseph Magnus out of D.C.  They've been doing some impressive private bourbon barrels, as well as some really interesting cigar blends. We were pretty excited...
SmokyBeast - An Update, A Night of Drinking, and a Review

August 20, 2017

SmokyBeast - An Update, A Night of Drinking, and a Review

Hello beasties! Apologies that I've been a bit quiet on the blog this year.  I hope you all have been enjoying Beast Masters Club!  Truthfully the new format of podcasting, selling private...
The Best Drinking of My Life - Turkey Hunting with Eddie Russell

July 12, 2017

The Best Drinking of My Life - Turkey Hunting with Eddie Russell

The Hot Pickle Has Landed!! Buy the bottle here Check out the podcast here We had high expectations when we brought 8 folks down to Kentucky with us to go barrel hunting. The trip still...
Who Dat Kung Fu Jew?  YOU dat kung fu jew part two!

June 24, 2017

Who Dat Kung Fu Jew? YOU dat kung fu jew part two!

So the battle has been fought, and well - spoiler alert - we lost. But for fork's sake we did our best. The problem was that the boys from Single Cask Nation brought two of their infamous Jewbilee festival...
Hand-Picked Elijah Craig Barrel

June 6, 2017

Hand-Picked Elijah Craig Barrel

The first of a few very special hand-picked barrels is available today.  We tasted a range of Heaven Hill barrels from 8-12 years, but this 9-year was the unanimous favorite. Chocolate, oak, molasses...
Who Dat Kung Fu Jew?

May 31, 2017

Who Dat Kung Fu Jew?

Howdy Beasties, Despite being a little quiet on the blog, I've been super hard at work on the whiskey front these past couple of months.  We had an incredible trip down to Kentucky last month....
Beast Masters Club Exclusive Podcast with Michter's Master Distiller

April 25, 2017

Beast Masters Club Exclusive Podcast with Michter's Master Distiller

This weekend we had a very special treat. Michter's Distillery Master Distiller Pamela Heilmann sat down with the club and led us on an incredible (and delicious) journey.  We discussed her career...
I love it when a plan comes together. David Pickerell guest hosts our next podcast event!!

March 3, 2017

I love it when a plan comes together. David Pickerell guest hosts our next podcast event!!

I love it when a plan comes together. When my friend Ben came to me with the idea of doing a whiskey podcast I was skeptical. "Who wants to listen to me slurp on booze that they can't even buy?" I...
A Genuine Smoky Beast Whisky Review!  Lagavulin 8-Year

February 19, 2017

A Genuine Smoky Beast Whisky Review! Lagavulin 8-Year

Hello beasties, Today I have the luxury or writing a bona fide whisky review. I know these have been few and far between this year. I, along with my partner Ben and the wife, have been putting more...
The Big Westland Tasting

January 30, 2017

The Big Westland Tasting

Wow what an awesome Friday night! Our little whiskey tasting club was hosted at the stunning Norwood Club and our special guest was Chris Reisbeck of Westland Distillery. We got to taste their whole...