
February 7, 2015

Birthday Bourbon Bonanza Part 5: OFBB 2010

The Old Forester Birthday Bourbon Bonanza rages on!  Still with us?  You rock!  (Also sorry to break it to you, but you're a whiskey nerd).

Old Forester Birthday Bourbon 2010

Tasting Notes

Nose: Straight up black licorice on this one.  Mike & Ike's.  Wood and herbals like fresh tarragon, black pepper, and fennel seed.

Palate/Finish: Very spicy and a little bitter, but thoroughly enjoyable.  Short finish with punchy rye notes, some nice spirit warmth, and nice oak.


This one's a winner, nice punchy oak opening up with some complexity.  Not a legendary bourbon, but we could see why when this came out at around $40 it blew some minds.  A very nice pick up if you can still find it.

We're getting close, only four years of BB to go.  What are you doing this weekend?  Cheers/SB

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