
August 30, 2014

the big Willett tasting part 5 (Family Estate 21-Year Bourbon)

Ok now we're moving on to the big boys, the twenty-plus year Willetts, and here's where the fun really begins!  Today's treat: some 21-year bourbon.

Willett Family Estate 21-Year Bourbon
Barrel #3702 97.4 Proof

Tasting Notes

Nose:  Mmmm.  The difference here is really noticeable from the younger bottles.  The wood and warmth just sort of mingle with each other in a really tight and magical way and come together into an old leather and pipe smoke goodness. There's definitely some barbecue stuff going on here as well as candy bar nougat, sweet honey & molasses, walnuts, and little pops of cherries.

Palate:  Wow it's just so drinkable.  Thick and rich mouthfeel, extremely balanced.  A nice bump of white chocolate comes out.  The heat doesn't touch the tongue at all.  And the spice, wood, and sweets just roll through the mouth too easily.  As Saturday Night Live would say "It's Sofa King Tasty!"

Finish:  The lower proof on this one doesn't result in a huge finish like the 10-year.  But at the same time it's just a perfect drinker and we wouldn't even think about adding water.  The refinement on this bottle is outstanding, totally head-and-shoulders better than anything we've tasted so far.

Note: We've had this bottle open for about six months and it needs it.  When we first cracked it open it was not this good, perhaps even a little disappointing.  We drank a glass and put it back on the shelf.  Then we tasted it a month later.  Better, but then we put it down for another month.  After the second month, pure magic!  It opens up just incredibly well and after giving it proper time in the bottle it's absolutely a top class bourbon.  If you manage to get your hands on one of these please be patient and you will definitely be rewarded!

All in all this bottle rocks our world.  After going through the earlier ones, which were very tasty in their own right, the difference here is just so clear and so awesome.  The only way we can describe it is that the maturity brings all the elements together.  The warmth is still there, as are the richness and sweetness, but instead of one dominating the other they're all just hitting you as one big amazing taste sensation that is unforgettable.

(Whiskey. Nonsense. Protection. Bureau.)

We now interrupt your regularly scheduled SmokyBeast programming for an emergency update from the WNPB.  Please stand by...  We now interrupt your regularly scheduled SmokyBeast programming for an emergency update from the WNPB.  Please stand by...  We now interrupt your regularly scheduled SmokyBeast programming for an emergency update from the WNPB.  Please stand by...  We now interrupt your regularly scheduled SmokyBeast programming for an emergency update from the WNPB.  Please stand by...

The following is an automated broadcast from the Whiskey Nonsense Protection Bureau:

It has come to our attention that "Willett Family Estate Bourbon 21 Years Old" is being sold online for...

Wait for it...

Fifteen Hundred Dollars!     

The original retail price (less than two years ago) was $125. 

Please do not buy this bottle.  

Please do not buy this bottle.  
Please do not buy this bottle.  
Please do not buy this bottle.  

You're welcome.

****emergency broadcast complete****

Whoa that was weird.

Stay tuned.  We're keeping the insanity going tomorrow with some 25-year Willett rye.

The Big Willett Tasting Part 6...

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